Your employees are the lifeblood of the business, the brains behind progress, the helpful and smiling faces that your customers interact with. They are integral to your success. However, there are bound to be some problems in the workplace. When a small issue blows up into a bigger problem, you may need help handling it.
Whether you need to terminate a disruptive employee or appear before a regulatory board because an employee has accused you of wage violations, an experienced attorney at Sparks Law could be a crucial ally. Contact a Connecticut employment lawyer to advocate for you and your business.
Employee issues are diverse, ranging from contract issues to lawsuits over employment violations. The attorneys at our Connecticut office could handle various employment needs, including:
If an employee believes they have been the victim of workplace discrimination or wage violations, government agencies may become involved. A skilled lawyer could mount a credible defense to any regulatory agency investigation and defend against lawsuits brought by employees.
Most employee claims against employers fall under wage and hour violations and discrimination. Government regulatory boards typically hear these complaints. Various other employee complaints can land an employer in court defending a typical civil lawsuit, which could be based on the regulatory infraction. A local attorney could sort through a client’s employee problems and work toward solving them.
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. As of August 1, 2021, Connecticut’s minimum wage is $13 per hour and is set to rise to $14 on July 1, 2022, and to $15 on June 1, 2023.
It might be tempting for employers to pay employees according to the federal rate, but they must pay the higher Connecticut rate if they are doing business in the state or face fines and penalties. If a dispute over wages occurs, a knowledgeable attorney in the area could investigate employment logs and company rules guiding employees.
When a person or a cohesive group treats someone outside the group differently than they treat others with whom they identify, this is classified as discrimination. Sometimes, the group targets someone and bullies them, creating a toxic work environment. Discrimination at work is actionable in Connecticut and under federal laws.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) describes the following discrimination categories. Businesses that employ at least one worker must pay men and women the same wages for the same job. With 15 to 19 employees, companies may not discriminate because of employees’ race, religion, color, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, or disabilities. Companies with at least 20 employees cannot discriminate against workers over age 40.
Unwanted sexual advances and harassment are actionable under federal and state law, as well as through litigation that may include criminal charges. Employers should be diligent about keeping harassment out of the workplace. A seasoned employment attorney could help put practices into place to prevent harassment and deal with any issues that may arise.
Employees are valuable assets to all businesses. The best way to prevent employee issues to enact protocols that inform them about company rules, benefits, and expectations.
As an employer, you may need an employee handbook, various contracts, advice about terminating an employee, or an employee stock option plan. A Connecticut employment lawyer at Sparks Law could provide the services you need, help keep you out of court, and prevent issues with regulatory boards. Call today for your initial consultation.