Technically, anytime we create something, we own the Copyright to it automatically; there is no need to file for a Copyright. But if there’s any doubt in your mind—and there should be—as to who created your material, or who could try and claim that they own your material, it is well worth getting it Copyrighted with the help of an intellectual property lawyer. Here are just a few of the benefits of working with a Georgia Copyright lawyer to protect your materials:
Copyright law has developed a work-for-hire system where ownership of a Copyright passes immediately from the actual creator of the work to the person hiring the artist. As you can imagine, this is a very common situation.
In the music industry, for example, professional hired-gun studio musicians will contribute their creative ideas to the song(s) they’re recording for the artist. Because the musician is “hired to play on the track,” he or she loses all rights to the—normally Copyrighted—material created; the rights are passed to the person hiring the musician. An attorney familiar with Copyright law can inform you of how certain legislation applies to your work.
If you have copyrightable work (books, artwork, music, games, etc.) protecting your material is always the right choice. It’s easy to have done, low cost, and gives you broad protection. Get in touch with a Georgia Copyright lawyer today to get started.