At Sparks Law, we believe that every business should be able to afford quality legal services. With that in mind, we created the Corporate Counsel Initiative.
Business owners know that different legal issues come up every day, and there can be a wide variety of items that need immediate legal attention. For example, one of our clients used their benefits under the Corporate Counsel Initiative to ask for advice concerning the maximum interest he could charge for a loan provided as an investment. Sparks Law was able to quickly research the applicable law and provide feedback, ensuring that our client’s investment arrangement would withstand a legal challenge while providing a healthy return on his investment. At the end of the day, a very small adjustment to the loan documents was all that was needed for him to make the loan enforceable.
Another example was a Corporate Counsel Initiative client who sent her supplier agreement for Sparks Law to review. We were able to analyze the proposed contract and point out our client’s legal vulnerabilities. She was able to bring our concerns to her supplier, propose our suggested edits to the contract, and get them entered. After signing her agreement, she was relieved to know that she had Sparks Law in her corner. We have many clients who send in the various contracts like these that they come across. Each month, we work hard to protect their interests and interpret the “legalese” or fine print that is often hidden in agreements.
There are four main aspects of our Corporate Counsel Initiative.
Once you sign up, you may call or email us with legal questions or concerns that you have, or even have us review a specific legal document or situation that you are concerned about.
You will receive an email from our team requesting certain documents for our review. We have separated business and corporate law issues into twelve fundamental categories, one for every month. This allows us to offer a thorough review of your business on any rolling 12-month basis.
Each month, you will receive a legal memorandum updating you on important changes in the law, compliance issues that you need to be aware of, or other areas of legal interest for business owners. Government regulations and laws can change unpredictably with little warning. These rule changes create a moving target that you, as a business owner, are still responsible for meeting. As entrepreneurs ourselves, it is important to us that other businesses are successful, and our monthly memorandum is a key part of maintaining our client’s success.
Once we have completed each monthly review, you will receive personalized Corporate Counsel Initiative™ results. This report will discuss your company’s legal standing in the area reviewed, as well as recommendations for solving any issues we encounter.
If you are interested in finding out more about how our Corporate Counsel Initiative program can help protect your business, please do not hesitate to contact Sparks Law. We would be happy to give you information on how the Corporate Counsel Initiative can help your business!