Companies may seek to hire employees under contracts for a variety of reasons. They may want to limit the amount of time that an employee may work for a company or place a cap on potential compensation. They may also want to memorialize a worker’s role or a specific project for which they have been hired.
A Virginia employment contracts lawyer could help companies and businesses alike to address their concerns in the workplace. This includes negotiating terms, understanding existing contracts, and pushing for enforcement in a court of law. Consult a dedicated attorney at Sparks Law today for help securing your company’s success.
When a workplace offers a job to an employee through the use of an employment contract, it is essential that all parties understand what this means. Regardless of any of the specific provisions present in the agreement, always understand that the contract carries the full weight of the law. This means that if parties do not fulfill their ends of the bargain, they have the right to ask a civil court to intervene. Under the Code of Virginia § 59.1-508.5, they generally have one year from the date of the breach to demand a legal remedy.
These contracts create a different employment situation than those typically present in the workplace. Employees with contracts must remain on the job. On the other hand, employers cannot fire them without paying penalties except under rare circumstances. These factors combine to create many interesting dynamics in the employment law field.
The other major concept to remember is that all portions of an employment contract are negotiable. These can include:
A Virginia attorney at our firm could provide more information about the concept of workers’ contracts in general and evaluate existing contracts for their legal impact.
Employment agreements are fully enforceable in court. This means that either a workplace or an employee could ask a court to consider the language of a contract, compare it with the actions of the parties, and render a ruling concerning whether a breach has occurred. A local employment contracts lawyer could represent the interests of parties during these court cases.
However, these lengthy and expensive litigation sessions may not be necessary. Effective contract negotiation and drafting can prevent disputes in the future. Having the guidance of an attorney during all sessions may help to avoid confusion and conflict.
Additionally, a lawyer could help to bargain for a settlement if the parties are involved in a disagreement. Settled disputes may bring less compensation but ultimately save time and money. In short, a Virginia employment contracts lawyer could help parties to protect both their legal rights and their financial interests.
Employment contracts specify the rights and obligations of employers and workers. They can cover a range of topics, including length of employment, compensation, benefits, and severance pay. With few exceptions, parties are free to negotiate the exact terms of these contracts with minimal court interference. A Virginia employment contracts lawyer could take the lead in this process.
If a dispute does occur in the future, it may be necessary to bring a case to court that alleges a breach of a contract. Here, an attorney could also help to interpret the language of the contract, file complaints in court, and present evidence to juries. Reach out to Sparks Law now to get started.