Every employee’s situation is unique. They may be at-will or be working under a contract. They could also be subject to nondisclosure agreements or non-competes after leaving a company. Arguments regarding these issues can result in complex legal issues between employers and employees.
A Virginia employment disputes lawyer may be able to help employers or workers stand up for their rights during these disagreements. At Sparks Law, a skilled attorney could take the lead in analyzing the situation, determining the rights of parties, and protecting those rights in and out of court.
Employment disputes between workers and employers are common. They can involve everything from an expected rate of pay to the provision of benefits, or whether parties have fulfilled their obligations under employment contracts. For instance, there may be a disagreement over how much money a worker has earned over a period of time. This could include disputes over timecards or overtime rates of pay.
Another common source of employment disputes in Virginia is whether an employer has the right to fire a worker. Usually, workers are at will, meaning that they are free to leave at any time and that employers can fire them for any reason.
However, this is not without limits. Both federal and Commonwealth laws, such as the Virginia Human Rights Act under the Code of Virginia § 2.2-3900, prohibit firings because of a person’s sex, religion, race, pregnancy, and a variety of other reasons. An apparent violation of these laws is another reason why employment disputes occur. A Virginia employment disputes attorney could help to identify the reasons for a disagreement and formulate an effective plan.
An employment dispute can have profound effects on the present and future of workers and employers alike. Disputes in their early stages may make it impossible for an employee to continue their job while still feeling comfortable. In these situations, it may be best to come to a negotiated resolution that brings the matter to a close. A lawyer at our Virginia office could help to diffuse pending employment disagreements to prevent them from becoming larger issues.
However, if these attempts fail, it may be necessary to bring a case to court or to defend the actions of a party. Here, a dedicated employment disputes attorney could take the lead in every portion of the litigation process. This could include discovering evidence, talking with witnesses, identifying possible causes of action, and submitting all necessary paperwork to the court.
Legal disputes in the workplace are common occurrences. They may involve the role of employment contracts in the workplace, whether a party has violated the Commonwealth’s Human Rights Act by firing a worker, or whether a violation of a nondisclosure agreement or other employment contract has occurred.
Let a Virginia employment disputes lawyer help you to stand up for your legal rights. Whether you represent a company dealing with a workplace disagreement or are a worker who believes that an employer has violated Commonwealth or federal law, speaking with an attorney could set you on the path to a fair resolution.